What better way to show off your creative skills, than the annual Darwin Lions Beer can Regatta! People from all over come together on Mindil Beach to build boats out of recycled cans or containers, and then race them against each other. It’s part science experiment, part friendly
competition – what better combination is there? There are plenty of activities and prizes for the kids as well.
Come join us in July 2023 on the beach as we gather and compete in this one-of-a-kind boat racing regatta.
Whether you’re building your own boat or cheering along with friends and family members as they race their creations – it’s sure to be an unforgettable event like no other.
Gather your mates, gather your cans, and build a boat out of recycled materials. It’s an event not just for serious
racers but anyone looking for something unique and adventurous.
Get started today by gathering material and prepare for a day full of amazing festivities at the Darwin Lions Beer can Regatta on 16th July 2023!
Register for the Darwin Lions Beer can Regatta and get ready for a unique experience that only comes once every year!
Registration opens in April at hhtps://beercanregatta.org.au
Can’t wait see you all there!